In the past year we have watched innocent people in Modesto shot down and murdered by the local police and the Sheriff’s Department. Craig Prescott and many others have been killed by guards in the Stanislaus County Jail. Modesto Police have shot and killed multiple people under scrupulous circumstances. Currently, several police officers are under investigation for charges such as drunk driving, spousal abuse, and drug use. Kari Abbey, a Stanislaus County Sheriff has also been arrested for the murder of Rita Elias last year. However, she has only been charged with second degree murder and involuntary manslaughter – receiving no charges for the large amount of weapons, counterfeit cash, and drugs that were found in her home.
We believe that the Sheriff’s Department and the Modesto Police are not accountable to the community and their corruption and brutality cannot be reformed. We need to build a movement on the streets that stands up to police terrorism.
Stop Police Brutality!
Justice for Francisco Moran!
Justice for Craig Prescott!
Justice for Jesse Watson!
Justice for Brian Reed!
Justice for Ricky Miranda!
Justice for Rita Elias!
We are calling on people to gather in West Side Modesto at 6:30 pm and march at 7pm.
Organized by Central Valley Coalition Against Police Violence
Where: 6:30, gather at MLK and Paradise in West Modesto, march at 7pm
To get in contact with organizers, email wearealloscargrant.cv@gmail.com
CV Crew
Central Valley Coalition Against Police Violence
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