According to the Cousin of Ernest Duenez Jr:
On June 8, 2011 my cousin Ernest Duenez Jr was unarmed and fatally shot mulitple times in the body and face by a Manteca Police Officer in San Joaquin County. According to several witnesses, Ernest posed no threat to the officer as he exited the back of the truck with his hands up. His leg became entangled in the seatbelt and as he fell to the ground he was shot by the officer without hesitation. Each shot ensuring death being the only outcome for Ernest including the final shot to the face. The officer made the decision to use excessive deadly force with such disregard for my cousin's life. Such reckless behavior by law enforcement happens all too often and has affected too many families including mine.
Manteca PD has released different accounts of the incident all which have proven to be untrue and haven't made a comment regarding my cousins death since. It has been a month and they are yet to release the name of the officer (who was allowed to return to work 2 weeks later) or the video recorded on the police car camera. They refuse to answer any of the questions my family deserves to know pending a 6 month investigation. If Manteca PD can release multiple false statements within hours of the shooting, why can't they answer our questions NOW! Especially the biggest question of all "What justification did the officer have for taking my cousin's life." The lies and lack of response by Manteca PD proves they have no consideration for the lives effected by this tragedy. This officer should be taken off the force so his itchy trigger finger and bad judgement can't take the life of another in our community. My family is represented my renowned Attorney John Burris (also represented the family of Oscar Grant, victim of Bay Area Bart Officer in 2009) in a civil lawsuit against the City of Manteca for the wrongful killing of Ernest.
You can help make a difference! Be apart of our fight for justice and answers now! Simply visit www.facebook.com/justiceforernest like our page, share with your friends and encourage them to do the same. Please help us spread the word from SAC TO THE VALLEY TO THE BAY WE WILL TAKE A STANCE FOR OUR RIGHTS WHEN LAW ENFORCEMENT EXECUTE OUR LOVED ONES AND TRY TO GET AWAY WITH IT.
My cousin was not perfect, but he didn't deserve a death penalty while in the upswing of his life. Ernest was a beloved son, brother, uncle, nephew, grandson, cousin, husband and father of a 1 year old son. One behalf of my entire family I thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading this.
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"When there is injustice for one there is injustice for all."
For more information or to find out how you can help please visit us on facebook at facebook.com/justiceforernest or email us at justiceforernest@gmail.com

More: http://www.recordnet.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20110701/A_NEWS/107010317

At the time, the police officer didn’t know Duenez, Jr. was a parole-at-large and was considered armed and dangerous. He was a felon convicted of burglary, statutory rape, assault with a deadly weapon, and participation in a criminal street gang.
ReplyDeleteRead more: http://www.fox40.com/news/headlines/ktxl-manteca-cop-shoots-man-after-traffic-stop-20110609,0,6795986.story#ixzz1z1gdLxS5
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DeleteYes that is true! But, we are not GOD! I too am a convicted Felon.... And have some of the same charges but, should I die for them........NO! And neither should Ernest have died!!! I am so mad about this and it happen a few years back! That cop could have did things way different! Things like this make it hard to like a cop! Dang! Disappointed & Outraged!
DeleteYou saw him reach back into the car? You saw didn't you? What do you think the police are going to do? What would you do?
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ReplyDeleteI watched the police dash video and was shocked to see which I deem a cold blooded murder of an unarmed man. The victim exited the vehicle with his hands up and tripped. The officer appears maniacal thug as he hops around with his gun drawn on the victim. The victim falls to the floor and the killer discharges a bullet into his back and then face.
ReplyDeleteThis executioner in uniform will have to answer to the people and ultimately his own Maker. Society should never have to fear our police officers who are entrusted to protect and serve.
As for the family of the victim, continue your fight against this barbaric injustice. Rest assured that justice will prevail. Ernest's murder was captured on video for the world to see. We still live in a country where there are more good police than bad so don't lose faith in our police.
Ok lets set the record straight here. Ernest Manuel Duenez was a convicted felon on parole and on the run for felony parole violation for close to a year. Convicted of Rape, Assault with a deadly weapon, Felony for evading arrest, Possession of controlled substances, Possession of stolen vehicles and Burglary. Prison record as follows: 1996-Felony 459 1st - probation. 1997-Felony 261.5c-3 years prison. 2001-Felony 11377-1.5 years prison. 2003-Misdemeanor 148(x) and Misdemeanor 14601(a) 2004-Felony 2800.2, Felony 10851, Felony 496D, 2009-Felony 245(a)(1), Felony 10851, Felony 186.22 -4 years prison.
ReplyDeleteOn June 8, 2011, officers of the Manteca Police Department were looking for Ernest Manuel Duenez, a Parolee at Large (PAL) and a primary suspect in an earlier domestic disturbance armed and dangerous. Duenez was known to be located in the back "jump seat" of a blue Nissan extended cab pickup truck, armed with a throwing knife. At approximately 6:45 p.m., Officer Moody saw Duenez in the back "jump seat" of the pickup. After ordering Duenez to not move four times or he will be shot, Duenez attempted to get out of the pickup disobeying the officers instructions. As he was standing on the floorboard of the pickup with his left hand on the right passenger door and his left hand on the roof of the pickup, he turned toward Officer Moody. In his right hand, Duenez had an 8-inch, fixed blade knife (blade is approximately 4 inches long). Officer Moody fired 13 rounds at Duenez. Duenez is struck and dies. Criminals under these circumstances are desperate because they do not want to go back to prison and will do almost any thing to keep that from happening including harming or killing those trying to apprehend him. At this point the officer had no choice but to defend himself of possible harm. Hell I wouldn't take any chances with this known thug. Nuff said.
WOW..... smh :/