Saturday, January 12, 2013

Justice for Ernest Duenez Jr! .- Jail for John Moody!

This is the shocking dash cam videoo from Officer John Moody's cop car. Moody shoots Ernest 13 times in less than 5 seconds. The report indicates moody was justified because he felt his life was in danger. Ernest was allegedly holding a knife when he was coming out of the truck, that is not clear in the video, but what is clear is that Moody is guilty of being a coward for shooting so many times. Some call that cold blooded murder, its definately overkill. When  Moody is asked how many times he thinks he shot he really low balls it..listen for yourself.  The video shows Moody asking for a knife at one point and uses it to cut ernest's shirt in half as he continues to search for the missing knife. Later he is seen placing the knife on the truck and later another cop with gloves on picks up the knife and walks away with it. That was suspicious. The report did not include pictures of the knife.

The Family has made this video public since the case was closed and justified by Stockon DA- James P. Willet. Apperantly Moody states he recalled that in training he was told a man can throw a knife as far as 20 feet and felt his left was in danger when he saw the knife ernest was allegedly holding. The report is available to the public-and we have posted it on this blog.

Appearantly this videos has made it into many homes and has made many very angry. People from all over the world have contacted the Duenez family to show solidarity. The Family recently attended the Stockton City council Meeting with the family of Jmaes Rivera also killed by cops and was justified by Stockton's DA as well. In solidarity represented in the streets and days later showed up at the courthouse when a man from Roseville was arrested and charged for making statements on facebook about Moody. Moody pressed charges against this man who is now being represnted by a lawyer willing to protect his right to freedom of speech-" 50 rounds to your dome Moody"- click on the link below the video for more info about this facebook drama.......

The family will continue to fight for Justice- they call for Moody to be fired and suien the city for wrongful death. The lawsuit will continue and they protest and supporters will keep growing. Please share the story, and keep your cameras ready and record when you see a pig! We will keep you posted.

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